a window for those with no home

lee jeffries stunning portraits of the homeless provide dignity and gravitas and serve as a window into the souls of a people so often overlooked/forgotten/avoided by society.   his portraits remind us that though the homeless are physically disconnected from most of us,  they are in fact very much emotionally connected to all of us.

“My involvement with the homeless started after an encounter with a young girl in London. She was huddled under a sleeping bag in a doorway in Leicester Square and took offense as I stole a photo from a distance. I was tempted to turn around and leave but something prompted me to go talk to her instead. Her story broke my heart, and changed the way I perceived the homeless. Most of my images are of people I have met on the street, whether in the UK, Europe or the US. The situations presented themselves, and I’ve made an effort to get to know each of the subjects before asking their permission to take their portrait….

To me, photography is realism. It is to do with what is, and not what I can conjure up. I take photos of everyday people in situations that move me. ”

lee jeffries interview excerpts. Impose Magazine, sep 1, 2010

to see more visit jeffries flickr:



i hope this portraits provided new insight into the humanity of the homeless.

love odie and odie mama.


8 thoughts on “a window for those with no home