Bird landscapes: silhouetted lines & reflections on life

Dearest Odyssians,


For Linda Litebeing, on behalf of her beloved Dex, who recently passed:

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

We are sorry for your loss and hope you will be comforted at this time. He will be remembered.

O and om

*To see more work of this artist’s work, visit:  Pawel Kadysz Facebook

Winter’s born

Dearest Odyssians,


It’s snowing and cold out =our First major Snow of the winter and of the year. In the Midwest.  Up north.
Bundle up my friends.

Picture by:

**neither odie or odie mama is pictured,  but we felt the lone form represented aspects of both of us. The wandering adventurer. As Prince would say,  “can u relate?”

Hugs, O and om.

Beautiful photography: Riverside blues

Dearest Odyssians,


Had a dream I adopted three kittens.  Odie was delighted to have so many new play friends that had real cat fur.  They liked odie in turn, because he’s hairless, and easy to clean. They snuggled, and ran around, and chased one another’s tails , and played all sorts of fun cat games.

Then we woke up to reality,  where it’s only the two of us. And our blog.

Still a happy story.

Hugs,  O and om.